Working Hours: 10:00 AM- 7:20 PM

Dr. Vishal Bisariya :- 11:00 PM to 2:00 PM
Dr. Jaya Shrivastava:- 03:00 PM to 5:00PM
Contact No.:- 0751-2409379
Mr. K.K. Bunkar (Comp):- 12:00PM to 7:20 PM
Mrs: J. Tiwari( Staff Nurse):- 9:30 AM to 5:30 PM  
1. OPD Consultation
All staff members, their dependants, all students and their dependants are entitled for consultation free of charge.
2. Dispensing of Medicines
All emergency medicines, I.V.fluids, and simple analgesics are provided free of cost.
3. Injections, dressings, minor surgical procedures
Performed on all inmates of the MITS campus as and when necessary free of charge.
4. Day Care Facilities
Admission of selected patients for giving I.V. fluids etc under observation.
5. Blood Sugar Testing
Done by glucometer free of cost for the students and staff of the institute.
6. ECG
Done by BPL ECG machine free of cost for all students and staff as and when required.
7. Vaccinations
Provided at nominal cost (no profit-no-loss basis) for all students and staff and their dependants.
8. Awareness lectures
Regarding common diseases like Diabetes, Hypertension etc
9. Nebulizer
Done by Ultrasonic Nebulizer (Imported 1) Free of cost for all students & staff of the institute.

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